Announcement : Upcoming Product Release Overview Session

Hi All,

Happy to announce the next Community Event covering the new and enhanced features included as part of the latest release!

What’s in this session for you?
The Ushur product specialists will cover the New features, dive into their features and recommend effective implementation strategies.
Stay tuned for the details about the event!

Details of the Event: 2nd August 2023
Time & Location: Zoom Meeting (you can nominate yourself by replying to this topic on Ushur Community and we will send you the cal invite)


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Can you include the following in the invite?:

@abhishek.nair, @ricky.jaramillo, @marysol.vejar, @rick.jones, @tahira

Sure @kelsey.michael

Please sign me up for 2nd August!

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Can you include me please?

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would like to get the invite as well please :slight_smile:

@sreeja.vijay Can you confirm these folks were included? @abhishek.nair, @ricky.jaramillo, @marysol.vejar, @rick.jones, @tahira

Hi @kelsey.michael, I have added them to the invite list. :+1:

sure @olivia.declercq

A very warm welcome to the Ushur Community !!
@shweta.dubey @vandana.rao